Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cusco- Machu Picchu- Lima


I'm listening to reggae right now as I write this and truly I should be listening to some kind of latin music. 

Cusco came and went and as I sit here in Lima  in the lobby of Barranco's Backpackers inn, I'm sad to say that I am headed home this evening. 

Cusco was everything Nora said and more.
Here are a few pictures of my time there....
Traditional wedding attire in Cusco... technically I didn't see the sign to not take pictures until after this picture was taken.

Cool dog with one aqua eye... thought he looked cool. 

The main square in Cusco at night. Its absolutely beautiful here.

This is our guide, David, on our Machu Picchu hike.... well it was more like a trek.

 This was our second rest on the first day. It's insane it doesn't even look real!

The first day of the hike was fine.... we got into our camp site pretty early but by day 4 I was in serious need of dry clothes. Just a word of advice... definitely check when the rainy season is. 



  1. This is so cool, I hope to go to some of these places when i'm older. Looks like you guys are having fun :)

  2. Wow, amazing pics! Good for you that you're seeing the world! Hope you enjoyed every moment. Just saw your dad on Letterman, and he talked about you! Awwww :)

  3. looks like you've bee having fun x

  4. Looks like you are having a great time. I love the colors. So bright.

  5. did you not come to Brazil?? You missed the best part of South America!! ow maaaan.

  6. that machu picchu picture is amazing!

  7. This looks AHMAZING. Machu Picchu is on my list... along with Patagonia, Europe (especially Greece and Italy), Thailand.... I HAVE been to the Philippines, so that's something. Awesome pictures, so glad I stumbled onto this blog!

    Oh, and I love Greek. :-)

  8. Whenever I first moved to LA, I worked at a local coffee shop to get on my feet. (Actually, I guess I'm still getting on my feet.) We dealt exclusively with one roaster and sometimes received letters from the farmer that grew our Peruvian blend. Through his pictures and words, I really fell in love with the country. I think it would be great to meet him and his family someday. Honestly, I'd love to take a trip exactly like this! Until then, I'm definitely going to become a follower so I can live vicariously through you guys.
